Heat transfer intensification on surfaces with “eddy generating” relief by subsonic incident flow velocity
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Scheme of the working part of the unit for research on relation between heat transfer and pressure drop on “eddy generating” surfaces
Photo of the working part of the unit for research of relation between heat transfer and pressure drop on “eddy generating” surfaces.
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Photo of the plate with “eddy generating” relief (dimples made as spherical segments)
Scheme of unit for determination of heat transfer and pressure drop coefficients (strain-gauge method) on plates with smooth relief and plates with “eddy generating” relief
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Unit for determination of heat transfer and pressure drop coefficients (strain-gauge method) on plates with smooth relief and plates with “eddy generating” relief
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Arrangement of strain-gage elements, heater, plates with smooth relief and plates with “eddy generating” relief on the experimental unit
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Arrangement of plates with smooth relief and plates with “eddy generating” relief on the experimental unit
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Arrangement of experimental unit with smooth relief plates and plates with “eddy generating” relief inside a flat channel